Tuesday 2 February 2010

Picos Blue

Tried out a Spanish Blue cheese with some interesting effects.

Cheese: Picon Bleu

This dream was very intense at the time but became very difficult to recall, despite my notes, within a few hours of waking up.

There was a kidnapped child, which I found in a log cabin in a forest. It was unclear whether I had been looking for the child or just happened upon it. The log cabin was very smart, quite large and very well equipped.

While trying to figure out what to do with the kidnapped child, Vernon Kaye arrived to fit new uPVC double glazed doors, as the old ones were pretty draughty. I told him if he started talking about Bolton I'd punch him in the mouth. Within a minute I'd punched him in the mouth and told him to get on with changing the doors.

I'm not sure why I was telling him this as it wasn't my log cabin. At that point I could hear some soldiers coming through the woods looking for the child. I don't know why, but my instinct was to run. So I ran off through the woods.

I came to a frozen river (I'm not sure why it was frozen as it wasn't at all cold). In the ice I could see the face of a woman - not a frozen body in the ice, but the moving living image of a face in the ice. I tried to talk to her but I the soldiers had caught up with me.

The General was standing across the river from me, for some reason it was Jack Davenport - the guy from Pirates of The Caribbean, Talented Mr Ripley (and less impressively, Coupling). He nicked me, handcuffed me and put me in the back of a personnel carrier with Lenny Henry, who told crap jokes until I woke up.

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 8 (Lenny Henry bad jokes, very scary)
Amusement Factor: 4
Enjoyability: 4
Coherence: 3
Vividness: 6