Sunday 21 February 2010

Control Dream

Particularly vivid dream, but without the aid of any cheese whatsoever. Maybe I need to up the cheese dosage.

Cheese: None

I was in Australia with my friend who lives in Sydney. We were doing a road trip across Australia and were doing a lot of driving through the outback. The weather was very hot but it was sunny and beautiful. I particularly remember strong sunlight making the earth and the sky particularly intense with colour.

After a while of cruising through the outback we got to Sydney. At this point I realised that I was driving my car and start to freak out a bit about how I was going to get my car back to the UK. I'm not sure how my car got out there in the first place, but this didn't calm down my panic around how I was going to get it home.

After a while we got a ferry to Korea, and I figured I could drive back from Korea. Once we were in Korea, we went to get something to eat, but making ourselves understood was very difficult indeed. I was desperately trying to explain that I'd have anything as long as it wasn't dog.

The next thing I remember was waking up in hospital back in the UK. It was July 22nd and I worked out I'd been unconscious for over 2 months as I think it had been May when I was in Korea (I'm not sure how I knew it had been May in Korea).

I was quite shocked by this leaped out of bed and tried to book a flight to Korea so I could go and get my car back.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 6
Amusement Factor: 4
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 8
Vividness: 8

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