Tuesday 23 February 2010

Interview Dream

Very strange and long-winded dream last night. Not sure I can remember all of it, but here goes.

Cheese: Blue Wensleydale (approx 100g)

During my lunch break, I'd gone for an interview at a place I used to work at years ago. I'm not sure why I'd gone, I really hated working there. I turned up to be interviewed by my old boss, who was a nice enough guy but was really wet and pathetic and right pain in the arse to work for as he had no idea how to manage and had no idea how to organise his own work, let alone anyone elses.

For this reason, I wasn't that keen, but he did explain he'd employ as an outside contractor. I told him there was no way I'd even consider it unless he paid £500 a day - I was very surprised when he happily agreed to do so. Even doing that job could be tolerated for that sort of money. After being treated like shit in that place it felt very satisfying to take that sort of money off them.

He told me that the project would last 12 - 18 months, and involved writing a back-end to go behind a Flash-based web application. I gave him the whole interview spiel about a very similar project I'd done, and went into all sorts of technical detail which I won't bore you with. At this point, I was thinking 'Kerching! gravy train alert!'

He was keen and offered me the position, but said I need to meet some woman first, and took me off to meet her. Although where we went was not around my old work - it was the same company, but clearly it was a different location. We walked through various buildings and offices and I saw a few familiar faces, but no sign of this woman.

At this point I realised I'd been out at lunch for about an hour and a half and still wasn't even on my way back in. I made my excuses and headed off. I was driving back (randomly past my old flat - no where near where I work or where I used to work), and I got stuck behind a bus at some little contra-flow traffic lights. It was on a hill and my car started sliding down the hill a bit. So I put the handbrake on.

I then went home, I'm not sure why when I was supposed to be going back to work. There was a bird loose in the house. This was most annoying and I had to try and coax it out.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 8
Amusement Factor: 2
Enjoyability: 4
Coherence: 8
Vividness: 7

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