Thursday 28 January 2010

Unintentional Surfing

I was not intending on doing any explicit Cheese Surfing last night, however, I unwittingly went for a surf by eating a large pizza shortly before bed, which was stacked with Mozzarella.

The results were the most bizarre and out there experience I've had since starting to log my dreams.

Cheese: Mozzerella

This dream started in some sort of book club or maybe a film club. There were a lot of people there and it was being chaired by Heather Locklear, who I found dull and pretentious. Mind you, this is my true opinion of her (she married that tit Sambora from Bon Jovi - an utterly shite band).

I'm not sure where we were, but it was a long way from home as I was staying in a hotel. There was this woman from work there who I really can't stand and she started heading back to the same hotel, but luckily I managed to give her the slip.

I got back to the hotel which was really big and really plush. I also seemed to have picked up a seriously sexy Asian bird - she was wearing a suit and was really hot. I checked into the hotel with the Asian girl - this wasn't by intention it just sort of happened.

We headed off to our room, we were going to get in a lift, but instead headed round the corner and seemed to go through a maze of corridors and stairs to find our room. The room seemed to be hidden, as we needed a ladder to get into it.

I climbed the ladder and went into the room, it was strange, because I had to climb the ladder to get in, but then dropped down into the room. It had bunk beds and a nice bathroom. It didn't look like a hotel room. There were posters of footballers all over the walls.

It was strange because they were footballers from the 90s, there was Peter Schmeichel, Robbie Fowler and a massive one of Gary McAllister. Once I started looking closely at these posters, they started moving, particularly the one of Gary McAllister, who seemed to be making a typically forthright run through the midfield for Leeds. I can't remember what the Asian girl was doing at this point.

The next day, I headed out of the hotel (the Asian girl seemed to have disappeared by this point) and went for another meeting of the book/film club, but this one was in a field somewhere, it was a not sunny day. After a while, I got bored of Heather Locklear prattling on and decided to head off.

I walked back to town - it was a really long way through the countryside, but on a dead straight path, so I could see all the way back to the field from several miles down the track. I got back to the edge of town and seemed to find myself in some American teen drama TV program, as I was surrounded by hot women who couldn't act, and were all about 27 despite playing 16 year olds.

I hung around for a while and then went into an out house. There were a couple of fireman there who were testing out some new fire suits and a new hose. They were testing out the waterproofness of the suits by taking it turns to power hose each other. This looked awesome and I had a go. I remember being sent flying across the room by this hose, but inside the safety of the suit it was great fun!

Freakiness: 8
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 7
Enjoyability: 7
Coherence: 8
Vividness: 9

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