Sunday 17 October 2010

Chinese Fashion

Cheese: Ticklemore (100g)

I was at some big conference or meeting in China. I'm not sure what it was about or why I was there, but I think it was Shanghai as I remember seeing a Maglev train.

I didn't really know what was going on, but it seemed to be vaguely fashion based as there were an awful lot of clothes on display, and I remember seeing what looked like fashion company logos everywhere.

The atmosphere turned a bit sour when a load of people turned up to demonstrate. I wasn't sure what about at first, but then it became clear that they were a bunch of people who worked in a sweatshop making clothes. There was a man at the front of the group with a loud hailer, who I recognised as Peter Tatchell.

He was making a big fuss about the plight of these people, and probably rightly so, but I couldn't help but think 'Why is this man just so annoying?' He started going up to the various stalls and quizzing the staff at them and the people buying stuff, saying things like 'Do you realise these garments are made by people who are treated like slaves?'

I hadn't even turned up to buy anything, I seemed to be there by accident. Then he made eye contact with me. I realised I had two choices, either start chanting one of his slogans or get press-ganged by him. While I certainly thought his cause was noble, the man was just too much of an irritant for me to join forces with, so I quickly dived behind a stall and hid.

I managed to stay hidden while he marched past. I looked around and saw a great pair of trainers, I had a moral quandary for a second where I realised that it would immoral to buy them, but would it be morally OK to rob them?

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 3
Vividness: 4


  1. Nice to see you're keeping the surfing blog up! I've been marginally addicted to Manchego recently though it hasn't had many lucid effects so far! I should probably increase the dosage before and consume before bed.. maybe with a good red and a stilton chaser! Hope all is well with you!

    - Cheese surfer Rob

  2. Manchego is a thoroughly excellent cheese. I'd be very interested to know what effect it has on your dreams.

    Let me know - guest posts are always welcome!
