Sunday, 31 October 2010


Cheese: Cropwell Bishop (approx. 100g)

This was a very short dream. I was in a room being interviewed by a man for a job I didn't want. I tried to explain that I didn't want the job, but he just kept going. Eventually I just got up and walked out. While the dream was very short, it was extremely vivid, and I was on the verge of finding my hands and trying to go through Casteneda's first gate dreaming. I was certainly in a position to be aware of what I needed to try.

Freakiness: 8
Nightmare Factor: 6
Amusement Factor: 3
Enjoyability: 3
Coherence: 3
Vividness: 10


Cheese: Cashel Blue (approx. 100g)

There was a construction site next door to my parents' house. I'm not sure why I was there, but I was attached to in some way.

As I looked out on the street, there was a herd of cows wandering out of one of the neighbours' garden due to a gate that had been left open. I rushed out to try and usher the cows back into the garden. I managed to get all but one of them back in, and I shut the gate. The one that escaped had disappeared down the road, and was running away. I decided not to give chase.

I went back to the large building that was under construction - it was almost finished, and the ground floor was pretty much done. A load of former colleagues suddenly turned up and dropped in for lunch. Some of them explained that things had got very bad at their work and were trying to persuade me to come back and help. I politely refused.

We ate some lunch and then they all had to go back to work, so they left. I decided I needed a dump and went upstairs. There was a really nice bathroom upstairs, with a beautiful toilet that was begging to be christened. However, outside the builders were still putting windows in, and I really didn't fancy being watched while taking a dump - if there's one thing sure to ruin a good dump it's being watched.

I was waiting for them to move out of view, but I was also desperate to go. Thankfully, they moved out of view just in time and I took a really enjoyable shit.

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 5
Coherence: 8
Vividness: 6

Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Dark Side

Cheese: Swaledale Old Peculier (Swaledale matured in Old Peculier stout - approx 100g)

I was wandering through central London when I saw former mayor Ken Livingstone standing next to me at a pedestrian crossing. I said hello and we got chatting. He was very down on himself after a televised mayoral debate had gone badly for him. I tried to cheer him up a bit as he seemed genuinely depressed about it.

After a while we said bye and went our separate ways. At this point my phone rang and it was my dad to tell me one of my relatives had died, and I had to meet everyone for the funeral. This part of the dream seemed very real, and when I woke up later, for a minute or two I wondered if this person had died.

I got on a train out of London and went to this hotel where everyone was staying for the funeral. I had to check in for the night as the funeral was the next day. I greeted all my relatives and the mood was pretty sombre.

Once I was in my hotel room, my phone rang again and this time it was my friend who lives in Australia. Bizarrely he told me that his relative had died too, which seemed really strange.

The next day, I got up and went down for breakfast, as I walked down, I passed a room with the door propped open. I could see two people inside, and I definitely knew the guy but couldn't place him. He had a much younger beautiful girl with him.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 8
Amusement Factor: 4
Enjoyability: 3
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 8

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Chinese Fashion

Cheese: Ticklemore (100g)

I was at some big conference or meeting in China. I'm not sure what it was about or why I was there, but I think it was Shanghai as I remember seeing a Maglev train.

I didn't really know what was going on, but it seemed to be vaguely fashion based as there were an awful lot of clothes on display, and I remember seeing what looked like fashion company logos everywhere.

The atmosphere turned a bit sour when a load of people turned up to demonstrate. I wasn't sure what about at first, but then it became clear that they were a bunch of people who worked in a sweatshop making clothes. There was a man at the front of the group with a loud hailer, who I recognised as Peter Tatchell.

He was making a big fuss about the plight of these people, and probably rightly so, but I couldn't help but think 'Why is this man just so annoying?' He started going up to the various stalls and quizzing the staff at them and the people buying stuff, saying things like 'Do you realise these garments are made by people who are treated like slaves?'

I hadn't even turned up to buy anything, I seemed to be there by accident. Then he made eye contact with me. I realised I had two choices, either start chanting one of his slogans or get press-ganged by him. While I certainly thought his cause was noble, the man was just too much of an irritant for me to join forces with, so I quickly dived behind a stall and hid.

I managed to stay hidden while he marched past. I looked around and saw a great pair of trainers, I had a moral quandary for a second where I realised that it would immoral to buy them, but would it be morally OK to rob them?

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 3
Vividness: 4

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Furniture in the 80s

Cheese: Unsure as it was bought for me, but suspected to be Yorkshire Blue (approx. 100g)

I was in some sort of furniture / home wares store. I was with my wife and a few other people, the furniture in there seemed to be of an out of date contemporary style, probably quite 80s.

I then began to notice that they had some electrical equipment for sale too, and this equipment was also quite dated. There were old style VCRs and cassette tape decks. There were also cassette tapes for sale.

I found a limited edition version of The Stone Roses' debut album with some extra tracks that I'd never heard. I was quite tempted to buy it but then realised that I no longer have a tape deck on which to play it.

I also realised that two of my cousins were there, however they were both there as young kids, not the fully grown up people they are now. They were running round like nutters just as they did when they were kids.

My little cousin launched himself into a large armchair, which duly toppled over and broke. He got up and nonchalantly ran off.

Freakiness: 3
Nightmare Factor: 2
Amusement Factor: 7
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 7

Monday, 4 October 2010

Strange Visions

Cheese: Idiazabal (approx 100g)

I had the most active night for a while on this stuff, giving me two quite vivid dreams.

Dream 1

I was at a Jane's Addiction gig with my scouse mate who absolutely hammered. It seemed a little strange as the singer had grown his hair very long, and I started to wonder if we'd gone back in time.

We were quite near the front and a large man in a grubby pink boiler suit kept stage diving and crowd surfing. I wasn't sure what the pink boiler suit was about, but thankfully he didn't come too near us.

After the gig we made our way home and went through a shopping mall. I went into Boots to buy my wife a present. We got back to what must have been my mate's flat, but it was an absolute tip. I decided to take the dog for a walk, and took him for a walk on a foot path by a railway line.

When I got back, my mate's Australian girlfriend had tidied the flat and it was absolutely spotless. By this time it was the morning and she was making a cooked breakfast.

Freakiness: 3
Nightmare Factor: 3
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 7
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 7

Dream 2

I was at football training, but I didn't know anyone there. After some basic training, we were herded into a room where we were shown a health and safety video. The video showed a petrol tanker ploughing into a petrol station, completely demolishing the petrol station. I was unsure what this had to do with football.

The guy showing us the video seemed very intense and I was taking quite a dislike to him. Out of the blue he started going on about what a great thing the Iraq war was and how it was completely the right thing to do. By this point I really was wondering what on earth this had to do with playing football.

Thankfully, after talking some more bollocks, he shut up and let us go back outside where we had a match to play. The match kicked off, but it was pretty crap and I could barely get a touch. I remember thinking that I was wasting my time.

Freakiness: 4
Nightmare Factor: 3
Amusement Factor: 2
Enjoyability: 3
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 6