Monday, 20 September 2010

The Terminator and the Journey Home

Cheese: (Cheshire approx 70g)

I was in a very tall building in Los Angeles and there was a Terminator on the loose (like in the films), but this Terminator was not Arnold Schwarznegger, and he also seemed to have a sense of humour.

I got in a lift in the building to try and escape, but the Terminator got in the lift on another floor. I decided it was best not to let on that I knew he was a Terminator so I tried to be nonchalant and not let on that I knew.

He started cracking blue jokes, which were actually quite funny, so I didn't need to feign laughter. I noticed that the lift was moving up rather than down, and we were heading for the top floor.

When it stopped, I got out and wandered off. The building was very high and I there was a great view over the whole of LA. I looked down on big wide highways and the traffic which seemed to be speeding down them, there seemed to be a sense of panic on the streets and I wondered if there had been a whole invasion of Terminators.

I decided to head off and try to get to the airport. As I went back to the lift, the Terminator was there again. This time he seemed to be using the lift as a gigantic bomb. He was loading it with explosives.

He then got in it, shot the cable and the lift disappeared down the shaft with an almighty explosion at the bottom. I figured it was probably best to take the stairs. I hurried down many flights of stairs. At the bottom, there was a gunfight going on between security forces and the terminator. I escaped from the building as fast as I could.

I headed to the airport and got a flight back to Heathrow - although I remember very little of this.

At Heathrow there were problems with connecting flights up to my hometown. The flight took off, but had barely got off the ground when it had to make an emergency landing.

One of the other passengers told me about a secret labyrinth that could get me home - if I could find my way through it. Against my better judgment I went in to the labyrinth. It seemed to be a series of rooms, and each room was some sort of puzzle that you had to solve to get out.

At this point it all becomes a bit of a blur. There was one room that was full of shoes, and I had to put on the correct pair of shoes to get out. Another one was a game of rugby at a high school. Another involved giving some ex-workmates a lift down a road on the side of a big lake.

The last game was in some sort of town centre when I bumped into some old school friends. I figured out (I'm not sure how) that I needed to go with them to a coffee shop and order a black fruit smoothie.

Once I'd done this, I walked out of the coffee shop and was in my hometown and caught the bus home.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 8
Amusement Factor: 3
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 4
Vividness: 6

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