Monday 8 November 2010

A Prolific Night

Cheese: Ashmore Farmhouse Cheddar (approx 100g)

I woke this morning and at first cursed that the large block of mature cheddar I munched last night had failed to produce results. Then four dreams seeped into my consciousness, while it's common to have more than one dream, it's pretty rare to be able to clearly remember more than one or two distinctly. Four is unprecedented.

Dream 1

I was in a hotel and someone cast me in a play. The play was to be performed that evening, and there were to be no rehearsals for me. I voiced concern that trying to be in a play when I hadn't rehearsed and didn't know the lines probably wasn't going to end well. The director of the play told me not to worry as I only had two lines at the end.

The character I was playing was called Douglas, and my costume looked like baby clothes, as I had to wear grey shorts that had dungaree style straps. The costume was topped off with rubber pants. I was not pleased at the prospect of having to wear such a ridiculous get up and toyed with the idea of soiling the rubber pants just to annoy the costume department. I abandoned this idea as I decided it would be too uncomfortable and risk a rather embarrassing nappy rash. I didn't want people thinking I was one of those freaky 'Adult Baby' types.

The cast were milling about in the hotel waiting for the curtain call. I rushed up to my hotel room to get changed, although I got lost on the way. By the time I got changed and came back it was nearly time for me to go on, as I was in the last scene of the play. The play was very short and barely lasted an hour.

I went on and gave my two lines, which were something about 'assumption being the father of rumour' and 'but without assumption we can never know anything'. It all sounded like bollocks to me.

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 6
Amusement Factor: 3
Enjoyability: 3
Coherence: 8
Vividness: 8

Dream 2

I was a castaway on an island, actually to be more precise, I was one of many castaways on a series of large rocks. I had climbed to the top of this large rock, in search of somewhere to sleep, but occasionally huge waves would hit the rock and soak the whole thing.

There was a bigger rock next to mine with a group of people on it. I decided that I would try and get across to their rock. Between waves I made a run for it and climbed down my rock and up theirs.

When I got on to their rock and climbed to the top, there was a swimming pool with lots of sun loungers and a bar. I thought to myself 'this is more like it'. I curled up on a sun lounger and went to sleep.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 7
Amusement Factor: 3
Enjoyability: 4
Coherence: 4
Vividness: 5

Dream 3

I was with my wife, and we were climbing up a very steep, but quite short hill. I realised that it must be a man made mound, probably for an ancient castle. Then I realised I'd been there before (despite not actually recognising any of it). I told my wife there was a pretty cool castle at the top that we should check out.

The mound was very overgrown and covered in trees. There were also plenty of fallen trees and undergrowth that we had to scramble over. We got to the top of the hill, which was actually quite a big area and walked through the woods.

There was a castle at the top, although only the tower stood now - there were lots of big stones and rubble, indicating the castle had once been much bigger. Once we were on top of the hill, I realised there was snow on the other side of the hill, despite not remembering it being cold on the way up, I was now suddenly aware that it was winter and there was snow on the ground.

We went up to the tower that was still standing and took a look round. It was at this point we saw a rather threatening bunch of youths on crap motorbikes (the kind so crap you're allowed to ride them at 14). I'm sure they were harmless but we started heading back down the hill towards the car anyway. I started feeling bad that I'd made a judgement about these kids that was probably very harsh. I worried that I was turning into a Daily Mail reader, and that kinda ruined the dream!

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 6
Amusement Factor: 4
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 7

Dream 4

I was on a street in a town centre somewhere, there were lots of shops. I bumped into an old boss of mine from a few years back (one of the few bosses who wasn't a moron). We had a good chat and caught up. It was really good to see him again.

He asked after other people we worked with, although I explained I'd left that company a while back, so wasn't in touch with everyone there anymore. We went our separate ways and I wandered off down the street.

I went into a cool looking shop that was selling tops and t-shirts. There were some funky patterns and cartoon on the t-shirts. Inside the shop it was was dark, and there were loads of lava lamps and funky stuff that glows in the dark.

I was browsing through the products in the shop, I really liked the designs, but none of them were on normal t-shirts. All the cartoons I liked seemed to be on knitted tank-tops, I remember thinking, I really like that cartoon, but there's no way I'm going round in a knitted tank top.

I'm not really sure how the shop stayed in business!

Freakiness: 4
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 7
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 6


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