Monday 21 June 2010

Cable Car to The Jungle

Cheese: Cambozola (approx. 75g)

I was in a ski resort of some kind. It definitely had an Alpine feel to it and I think it must have been close to Christmas as there seemed to be a lot tinsel and general Christmas type stuff around, although I wasn't really paying attention closely enough.

I was on a mission to climb a very large mountain, and this trip started with a cable car journey. The cable car took us high up over the resort and over some Alpine forest, before we disappeared into thick cloud.

The car didn't come out of the cloud until we arrived at the top. It was at this point that I realised I was in some sort of jungle or swamp. I was suddenly very hot, and had to take all my thermal layers and coats off.

Once I was ready I joined the rest of the climbers and we tried to make our way through the jungle. It was a bit of a swamp and there was water up to my ankles almost the whole time. It was hot and sticky and very tough going.

The water seemed to be getting deeper as we went along, which made no sense as we were supposed to be going up hill. At this point, a few of the explorers decided they'd had enough and headed back. I decided to join them as I'd lost faith that we knew where we going.

We headed back to the cable car, which we got back to much quicker than the outward journey. As we headed back we all started putting our jackets on in preparation for the cold, and the man in the cable car started serving us hot gluwein which was really nice.

Freakiness: 5
Nightmare Factor: 5
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 7
Coherence: 4
Vividness: 6


  1. It has been a hot few days... you might want to get an electric fan, or at least open the window in your bedroom.

  2. I've not been over-heating in bed, not yet anyway. I think this might have something to do with the fact that I've not been to bed before 1am for about 3 weeks!
