Sunday, 24 January 2010

Blue Cheese Recycling

Tried a new cheese with some very interesting results. Initial results with Saint Agur very promising I will up the dosage next time in hope of some seriously intense results. There was only one dream.

Cheese: Saint Agur (approx 50g)

I was on my way back from the dentist, I somehow managed to walk past my house and further up the road before realising I'd gone too far. I crossed the road to walk down to my house, and decided to go in the local library. There is no local library near my house, it appeared for the benefit of this dream.

I went in and it was a children's library and their were loads of kids running around and reading kids books. For some reason the MD of my company was there - Gerald, at which point I realised I probably should be at work. I nonchalantly said hello to him and pulled out my work lap top and started working.

Once Gerald had gone, I closed up my lap top and went home. Once I was in my house it was dark. I was upstairs when I heard a noise, which freaked me out. I looked out of the window to see a major recycling program going on next door. There were loads of people and lots of recycle bins and recycle trucks. People were sorting waste into different crates for recycling. The whole operation was being directed by Dermot Murnaghan, who seemed to be an expert in waste management.

I watched this for a while, and then my dad came over and we watched a rugby DVD.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 5
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 6
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 8

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