Monday, 18 January 2010

Adventures in Gorgonzola

Dropped a large block of Gorgonzola before bed last night, had two dreams that I can remember, reasonably vivid, both quite strange.

Cheese: Gorgonzola

Dream 1

I was walking around a large building that was set in some nice grounds, with grass and trees. I walked into the building which turned out to be the derelict remains of a research institute I once worked at, although it had clearly moved as the research institute was on a tropical island, and I was definitely not on a tropical island.

I was not alone, I'm not sure who I was with but I think it may have been my wife and my dad, but I can't remember clearly enough. The building was very dark, and it was messy and decayed inside. There were notes that had been left for us. I'm not sure how I knew this, but they were written by dad's cousin, who also worked at the institute. I think I managed to work this out as the notes were quite long winded and choc-a-block full of incessant bad puns, which he excels in.

The notes guided us through the building, sending us upwards and we went up quite a number of floors (strange as in reality the institute only had a ground floor and a first floor). We got to the top and came out on a kind of roof terrace under brilliant sunshine. The dream ended at this point.

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 6
Amusement Factor: 6 (would be higher if you like bad puns)
Enjoyability: 5
Coherence: 4
Vividness: 5

Dream 2

My wife and I arrived at an empty old house, that was apparently deserted. We were there to look around it as a potential house to buy and do up. When we walked in it looked a lot like my wife's grandmother's house (which incidentally I visited yesterday and is up for sale). It wasn't actually the same house but had a lot of the same decor.

An estate agent met us there and gave us the tour. In my notes (which I try to make as soon as I wake up), I've written something about super powers, but I can't remember what this refers to. I very vaguely remember something about a super click - some super power pertaining to some sort of clicking, but I can't remember anything more.

After showing us around downstairs, the estate agent encouraged us to have wander round for ourselves and we went upstairs. We walked into a room upstairs which was totally different to downstairs, like a normal modern house. Somewhat bizarrely there was a girl there who I went to school with. We were quite good friends when we were about 12, but I don't think I've seen her in about 15 years, so it was strange that she turned up. She was on the phone trying to organise some sort of party.

She got off the phone and I said hello to her, we had a chat and she explained she was organising a party, but her friend (another girl I was at school with when I was 12) was having a party on the same night. I said I'd phone the other girl and ask her if she wanted to have a joint party.

While I was on the phone to her, a black parrot which had been flying around anyway landed in front of me and started barking at me - proper dog barks. At which point a black dog, I think it was my parent's old dog (which died a couple of years back) came in and barked at the parrot. The parrot flew off and the dog hurtled after it, barking feverishly all the way.

In the meantime, I managed to arrange for the parties to be combined and everyone was going to come along and join in the fun.

Freakiness: 7
Nightmare Factor: 4
Amusement Factor: 6
Enjoyability: 7
Coherence: 7
Vividness: 6

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