Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Return of the Cheese Surfer

The Cheese Surfer returns. I did bring back some mind bendingly strong cheese, but I accidentally left it in a fridge in London. Oh Well.

Last night's experience was with a lump of good old English Cheddar.

Cheese: Cheddar (approx. 60g)

This dream was very hazy, some of it was clear, but I think I had it sometime before waking up, so it was difficult to recall.

I remember climbing up a big wide stair case. I was going to work, but this wasn't my office, and I wasn't wearing work clothes. I took my shoes off at the top of the stairs and went through a door on the right into the office (which wasn't my normal office). I was a bit worried that I didn't have my work clothes on, but it was soon apparent that no-one else did either.

The office was black, but had large windows on the right as I walked in, so it was very light. I sat down at my desk and turned my computer on.

After a while trainers started being handed out to people - everyone had left their shoes at the top of the stairs on the way in. These trainers were proper pimp trainers, with gold stripes and pink bits on them. They looked absolutely ridiculous - Usain Bolt on acid.

We all got different pairs, and I put on the pair I'd been given, which thankfully were fairly plain, they were white Nike trainers with a gold stripe down the side. After a while I realised I was wearing two right foot trainers.

Suddenly walking became very difficult. It wasn't just me either, people were going arse over tit all over the shop!

This is all I can remember.

Freakiness: 6
Nightmare Factor: 5
Amusement Factor: 7
Enjoyability: 5
Coherence: 3
Vividness: 3

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